Saturday, December 30, 2006

Roses for Country Girl

Happy Birthday Countrygirl!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas in La Vernia

Enjoy some snapshots from last night. These are from the country roads in and around La Vernia.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Ranching #2

Just thought I'd play some more.


Took a vacation day to help out at the small family ranch. I'll try to do a better job of capturing the activities but these images will have to suffice for now.
The ongoing drought has led us to supplementing feeding with hay, range cubes, and corn. Normally, the cattle are 100% grass fed, but times are tough. Anyone with excess rain, pease send it our way.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

God Bless America

Stock photo I had from a couple of years ago. Yes, close to La Vernia. This is just a portion of a a ranch that gets decorated every year in lights. Country folk go by and visit and take walks along the fenceline with their kids just for the fun of it. Of course, older kids like myself do go by and walk also. (Sssshhhh, don't tell anyone!)